Bach Bibliography
Search Result - Ordered Chronologically

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Author : Lutterman, John
Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListAuthor: Title, Series, Vol/No (Year/Month/Date of Publication), PagesStatus
1. Lutterman, John:   Works in progress: Bach's Suites for Solo Cello as artifacts of improvisational practices. [p]BICB_Manchester (Jul 2004)
2. Lutterman, John Kenneth:   Works in progress: J. S. Bach's Suites for Solo Cello as artifacts of improvisatory practices. diss. (2006), 598p
3. Lutterman, John:   Works in Progress: The Scheibe-Birmbaum Controversy and Bach's Notational Practice. [p]AMS_NorthCalifornia (May 2006)
4. Lutterman, John:   'Cet art est la perfection du talent': Improvised Solo Performance, the Accompaniment of Recitative, and Chordal Thoroughbass Realization on the Viol and Cello [p]BICB_Warsaw (Jul 2006)
5. Lutterman, John:   Composition, Improvisation and the Text: The Scheibe — Birnbaum Controversy and Bach's Notational Practice. [cr]Krakow2008 (2008), 535-541
6. Lutterman, John:   Frozen Improvisations. EarlyMAmer 15/2 (Summer 2009), 61-62
7. Lutterman, John:   'Cet art est la perfection du talent': Chordal Thoroughbass Realization, the Accompaniment of Recitative, and Improvised Solo Performance on the Viol and Cello in the Eighteenth Century. [p]AMS_Philadelphia (Nov 2009)
8. Lutterman, John:   'Alles, was man unter der Methode zu spielen verstehet, druckt er mit eigentlichen Noten aus'. Changing attitudes toward notation in the Eighteenth Century: The Scheibe-Birnbaum controversy and Bach's notational practice. [p]BICB_Belfast (Jul 2010)
9. Lutterman, John:   Jakob Adlung on Fantasieren: Further Evidence of a Bach Family Tradition in Jena. [p]BICB_Southampton (Jul 2012)

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Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita